The main aim of the programme is to improve the behaviour and welfare of dogs throughout the UK so they can integrate successfully in to the modern world. 

However, its not just your beloved four legged friend who will benefit from participation. Not only will the programme strengthen the bond between your dog and you, it’s guardian, it will lead to an all-round better understanding of dog behaviour and training. It's likely you’ll both make loads of new friends through the organised training events and classes. 

Let’s work together to reduce the many reasons dogs need to be rehomed, offered up for adoption or euthanasia.

Let’s create the calm, confident, well behaved dogs who are happy and eager to please.




The Canine Ambassador programme has been created specifically to help you develop your puppy into the dog you can take anywhere, anytime!

This course is unlike any other. The Ambassador 1 Adult classes are a 10 week comprehensive programme (lasting 2 hours) where you will learn all about your dog's behaviour, and how to safely and sensitively socialise your dog. This is over and above you building a great bond, having great fun with confidence building, training and handling exercises in real life environments amongst a like-minded supportive group of people.

Puppy classes are over 7 weeks and last 1 hour each class, covering the same, but Puppy friendly content as below:

  •  positive dog to dog & human interaction,

  • traffic and crowd participation,

  • noise (traffic/children)

  • handling conditioning/desensitisation

  •  general obedience work, such as loose leash walking, heel, recall, stay

  • outdoor work to allow practice with lots of distractions

Other benefits are, entry to a friendly and supportive private Facebook group, mid week progress check (Facebook), 1-2-1 question and answer through social media for course duration and your own copy of the CA Handbook.

10 week Ambassador 1 Adult Class - age 7 months Plus. Cost £260

7 week Puppy Class - age 13 weeks to 7 months. Cost - £160

*Please note that a deposit of £80 is required to secure your place*

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Our venues and training locations are specially selected to provide dogs and puppies with an as real to life environment to learn in.  
We use accessible indoor training areas, and various outdoor venues, ranging from country parks, secure dog fields, and working farms to busy city centre walkways.
  • Accessible outdoor training areas with parking
  • Custom built obstacles & conditioning apparatus 
  • Classroom for workshops
  • Secure fields with 8ft fencing
  • Real life outdoor training environments
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